Liberating Literacy LLC.

Liberating Literacy LLC Vision, Mission, Core Values image
The vision is to liberate and empower all learners to have literacy tools to be able to apply in their everyday life to be academically, socially ,and emotionally successful. Every scholar will be college ready, workforce ready, and productive citizens.

Liberating Literacy's mission is to develop and promote all learners to possess literacy tools to be able to read, write, speak, listen, and critical think. We will cultivate a learning environment where educators gain the resources, coaching, and opportunities to be immersed in professional learning environments to deliver an effective literacy environment for all learners. Liberate Literacy will collaborate with parents for them to gain the confidence and knowledge to foster literacy in their homes.

Core Values:

Empowering All
Responsive to All Learners
Access to Opportunities
Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking

  •  8/29/2020 11:06 AM

Today Educators have an opportunity to transform education for our Black Students. Building learning environments for Black Students to be academically successful by taking risks and getting in "good trouble".

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Parents Leading Literacy
  •  7/6/2021 05:37 AM

Parents Leading Literacy: Parents can build that bridge from their homes to the classroom by doing 3 simple steps. Literacy can be obtained within any home. Just by listening, having conversations, and reading.

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Silent No More: Healing For The Black Educator
  •  8/28/2020 02:53 PM

Marcus "Sankofa" Nicks is an amazing educator, who I was blessed to meet and able to collaborate on many topics that not only impact our Black Students but The Black Educator. Black Educators are needed in educational settings and this article introduces healing for Black Educators to continue to make a positive impact for all students.

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One Conversation at a Time
  •  8/2/2020 09:00 AM

The “relationship is the conversation” so if this is true how we keep the relationship alive and healthy. There are four principles that I believe will build a strong foundation for any conversation.

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Lifting Your Vibrations
  •  6/8/2020 09:41 AM

I am attracting better because I have discovered that it all starts with ME

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My Path as an Educator
  •  5/26/2020 11:25 AM

Sometimes your path is not meant to be normal, but it is up to you to decide will you continue the path.

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The Journey to Living in Peace
  •  5/26/2020 11:00 AM

Learning to accept you and traveling through the journey of growth. Let go of your fears

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